The detailed history can be found here: https://sidyoung.com/gpz1100b2/gpz1100b2-early-history/
2022 – May
Test runs on the bike have been great. Everything is working OK, there is no rust coming through the fuel filter from the replacement tank so in a few weeks I will get it painted.
I’ve decided to get the foot peg plates powder coated black in line with the original finish. it will be the first of a few custom changes to bring it closer to the factory look but distinctly custom.
Converted to 530 chain size with great results: https://sidyoung.com/gpz1100-530-chain-conversion/
<todo> – New Tank prep
In March 2019 a bunch of us departed Brisbane for a 2000klm ride down to Tasmania and 2000klm back, in all I did about 6000klm on the GPz and it was great! The last 2000klm, Sharon rode back as pillion with me. All went well until just 30 klm from home we snapped the chain… it was a 2 hour delay, but at least it did not happen too far from home. This prompted me to rework the rear chain drive as a 530 Chain rather than the bulk 630 type. I’ve written this up in a post with sufficient technical detail.

Waiting for the ferry to come back to Melbourne

Bathurst – Mt Panorama

Piston Data
I was asked about the aftermarket pistons that are installed, this is the data I have on them:
Wiseco Part#:4255M07500 Product Type:Single Pistons Description:KAW KZ/GPZ11 1981-2 (K1171) 2953XG |
Displacement: 1166cc Bore – Standard: 72.50mm Bore – Actual: 75.00mm Bore – Oversize: 2.50mm Stroke: 65.99mm Compression Ratio – Actual: 10.25:1 Note: Cylinder boring required |
For more info on the Chain Conversion after we arrived back home
see: https://sidyoung.com/gpz1100-530-chain-conversion/