Welcome 2022

Well another year has drawn to a close and a new one started. This COVID crap has taken its toll on everyone and for the last 2 years a group of us were trying to organize a group ride to the Victoria Alps, which is a 4000klm round trip… border Read more…

zx1100A1 Re-assembly

With the weather getting slightly warmer and other activities outside of bikes still on hold thanks to Covid-19, I’ve decided to just drop ALL other activities and just focus on finishing bikes for the foreseeable future. With new found focus, September is going to be a busy month starting with Read more…

May – August 2020

In May, many Coronavirus restrictions were relaxed which has resulted in nearly every person who owns a bike hitting the roads. I live near the base of the Mount Nebo- Mt Glourious Road so each weekend there is an early morning roar of bikes heading into the mountains, its great Read more…

April 2020

The world is in chaos, Covid-19 is killing sick people left right and centre and almost everyone has been told to self-isolate. This of course means you can spend some quality time with the one you love (to ride)… your motorcycle(s). In my case I’ve noticed my 1994 zx-9r is Read more…